Israel Vs Iran Military Comparison

Israel Vs Iran Military Comparison

 Military Comparison

Israel Vs Iran
Israel Vs Iran

The two countries we are going to talk about today will become international media headlines. As we write this, a news report says that Iranian Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is waging a religious war in Syria and that the country has decided its sites to attack Israel.
"Iran has called for our destruction, but also for the nuclear weapons design of its carnage," the PM said. Meanwhile, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the most divisive issues, with plenty of Israeli press and public villain films. We can’t get into all of this politics, but since everyone in these countries has that in mind, we thought we would face them militarily. Welcome to this episode of Iran vs. Israel's infographics show. Let’s start with the money.

Israel's defense budget for 2018 is $ 20 billion, with an annual stipend of about $ 3.8 billion from the US. We can add that the Minister of Defense of Israel is constantly trying to raise another 4 1.4 billion to fund the military in action. We add here that Israel is somewhat under the control of the United States, but today we will focus only on Israel’s military and not on its power when its loyal brothers step in to help. Iran's military budget is estimated at $ 14.1 billion in 2017, more than Israel's. However, a Forbes article in 2018 states that things are about to change and that perhaps traditional military sites are not reporting the 2018 budget. Forbes writes that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corporation, part of Iran's armed forces designed to defend the Islamic Republic, should receive a massive cash injection. Forbes will pay $ 8 billion from Iran's financial budget, which Iran plans to spend heavily, despite the threat to its citizens' well-being. Iran's Ministry of Intelligence and Security will receive one billion, the rest will go to the traditional army, Forbes said. If this increased cost, Iran would spend more than Israel, but not much. As for the people on the field. There are 615,000 military personnel in Israel.

There are 170,000 active staff and 445,000 are reserved. Add to Israel's Shite 13, which is a unique Op team. As we said in our last presentation, some things to keep in mind are compulsory military service in Israel. Many Israelis, when they turn 18, join the military. Service duration is 2.8 years for men and 2 years for women. This means that many, many young people in Israel have already been trained to fight or have actually participated in the war. Of course, not everything is action, some jobs are hanging as a security measure in one of Israel’s many kibbutzim. However, there are a total of 934,000 military personnel in Iran. There are 534,000 active staff and 400,000 are reserved. Iran also has compulsory military service, but only for men.

This means that once the Iranians reach the age of 18, they must spend 18 months to two years in the military. We can also say that although women are not recruited, some volunteers do. Iran also has special forces from the Marines to its Elite Force and the Sabrin Guard Battalion, a special unit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Well, what about the equipment on the ground? Israel has very modern and well-maintained machinery. It includes 2,760 battle tanks, 10,575 armored combat vehicles, 650 self-propelled artillery, 300 towed artillery and 148 beam projectors. We can add that this Marquess IV is the main battle tank, which states that the national interest in 2017 is the best in the world. We can add that the national interest says the same about many tanks. What about Iranian trade tools?

The country has 1,650 battle tanks, 2,215 armored vehicles, 440 self-propelled artillery, 2,188 tow artillery and 1,533 rocket projectors. As for the tanks, National Interest talked about an Iranian tank, which you "ed thought was" the best in the world ". It is a Karrar tank built in Iran and is considered superior to the Russian-made T-90. Iran has many old tanks built in the United States, Britain and Russia. Iran and the U.S. We remember those who were friends in the past, the U.S. Helped Iran launch its nuclear program in the 50s.

This help is called "Atoms of Peace" and yes, it was a word before it became the band name started by Radiohead lead singer Thom York. We only pointed out that you can figure out how to get a fickle relationship, so you never know, maybe one day Israel will not belong to the U.S. Earth Defense Department, which, compared to the land artillery, Israel's air force is very small. This includes 252 fighter jets and 252 bombers. Israel has spent heavily on 9 F-35s and 70 F-16 Fighting Falcons purchased from the USA. they have F-15 Eagles and F-15 Strike Eagles. So, although small, it is not said to be the first ten planes at a time. Iran has 150 fighter jets and 158 fighter jets. Some of them are gifts from the United States, a small fleet of F-14 Tomcat fighters.

Add some old American-made multirol fighters to the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II and Northrop F-5 Tiger II. Iran has probably the best aircraft, the Russian-made Mikoyan MiG-29 fullcrum, as well as the Russian Sukhoi Sukha 24 and 25. In the water, no country is very strong, Israel has no aircraft carrier or more. In the country as a whole there are no warships, destroyers, 3 corvettes, 6 submarines, 32 petrol craft and 0 mine warships. Iran has the most wreckage, not the total destroyers, 5 warships, 3 corps, 33 submarines, 230 patrol craft and 10 mine warships.

In terms of numbers, it is at least much stronger than Israel. When it comes to nuclear weapons, we use the quote we used about Israel in 2017 for national purposes. You all need to know about this. "Israel Didn't confirmed or denied that it has a nuclear weapon. Experts estimate that there are currently eighty nuclear weapons in the country." Well, what about Iran? "Well, this is a million dollar question. The weapon is enough for a weapon. "A report in the British tabloid The Sunday on 4th June claimed that the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad had found documents in a warehouse in Tehran, indicating that Iran was on the way to building nuclear weapons. Somewhat better, but in North Korea. The truth is there, but we did not say what it was. So, who will win? Well, we must give Iran an edge .It's finally a big army. He says only one of the terrorists is being kept out of the country, so does Iran really have an edge, or Israel? Can Yale get out of the cosmic waters? Let us know About your thoughts in the comments!

India Vs China Military Comparison

India Vs China Military Comparison

 Military Comparison

India Vs China
India Vs China

In mid-June 2020, World War III began to be trending on Twitter. Again. This time, it was because a border dispute in the Himalayas between Chinese and Indian forces turned deadly, killing more than twenty people. This is the first time since 1975 that the two countries have had a fatal conflict and the most serious skirmish since 1967. Naturally, as the two nations are populous, militarily powerful and have nuclear capabilities, the world is biting its nails to see what happens later. But assuming the whole thing doesn't end in diplomacy or a world-consuming mushroom cloud, what country has what it takes to take home a final victory? Using a combination of historical precedents from past conflicts between the two countries and our knowledge of their current military capabilities, we aim to find out exactly whether China or India would win if the two nations went to war today. After all, we're not just talking about dusty hypotheticals here. Relations between India and China have been extremely tense since the Sino-Indian War of 1962, which occurred on the same stretch of the Himalayan border that is causing conflict today. India had granted the Dalai Lama asylum within its borders after the aftermath of the 1959 Tibetan Uprising, which has already put him on China's bad books, and with China's military invading the Royal Line of Control, the line of demarcation separating Indian and Chinese territory in the Himalayas: a military skirmish was practically inevitable. The resulting conflict was short-lived, lasting only a month and a day between October and November 1962.

The Chinese People's Liberation Army had a great numerical superiority over the Indian military forces, and India suffered significantly greater losses, with almost double the deaths of China. many wounded and more than 3,000 captured. This loss is partly attributed to the fact that it is believed, according to some leaked CIA documents, that India underestimated both China's military capabilities and its willingness to escalate the conflict. While India requested military assistance from the US in the form of 12 squadrons of fighter jets, their pleas were rejected and India instead turned to Moscow for help. Ultimately, none of that did much good, as China reclaimed the Eastern Theater up to the Royal Line of Control before declaring a unilateral ceasefire. India was allowed to lick its wounds, and tensions between the two counties have been high ever since, and conflicts still raged well into the 1970s. Both nations have stepped up militarization around the Line of Control Royal as a show of force, and this has left both with very little room to maneuver. In a sense, the Himalayan border is a military tinderbox and we've been seeing the sparks lately.

While an earlier record of military supremacy definitely works in China's favor, the Sino-Indian war was also 58 years ago, and failure is an excellent teacher. India has been embroiled in frequent conflict since the Sino-Indian War, giving its fighters invaluable experience on the battlefield. India is believed to have won all the conflicts in which they participated after the Sino-Indian War, with the exception of the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965, which ended with a ceasefire. Comparatively, China fought its last considerable conflict against Vietnamese forces in 1979. Once again, experience gained here, as it is considered that the Vietnamese, who had recently honed their skills in battle against the United States forces, Asses from China for them. That is why the value of actual war experience can never be overstated. But let's take a step back and see what these two armies have to offer in terms of manpower, technology, training, and resources. First: the soldiers, the bread and butter of any military man. As in the Sino-Indian War, China has numerical superiority, although in the defense of India, since China is ranked as the one with the highest number of active military personnel in the world with 2,035,000.

China's military has a numerical superiority over literally everyone. With more than 500,000 reserve personnel who could easily be called to action in a war scenario, China is a force to be reckoned with. India, however, is not far behind, with 1,237,117 active personnel and an impressive reserve of 960,000, putting the differences between its totals at just 100,000. But here's the big twist: the numbers here only pertain to the Indian Army, which is the land force branch of the Indian Armed Forces, whose total number of active personnel is 1,444,500, second only to the total active personnel of the EPL. However, the total number of reserve personnel in the Indian Armed Forces now dwarfs that of China, at a staggering 2,100,000. The Indian Navy has 67,252 active personnel and 55,000 reserves. The Indian Air Force has 139,576 active personnel and 140,000 reserves. In contrast to India's three-part system, the PLA consists of five branches: the Land Force, the Navy, the Air Force, the Rocket Force, and the Strategic Assault Force. The Land Force is the Chinese infantry and land operations, with 975,000 active personnel. The EPL Navy has 240,000 active personnel. The Air Force has an even larger active staff of 398,000. The Rocket Force of the People's Liberation Army, also known by the funny acronym PLARF, is the branch of the army in charge of ground ballistic and nuclear weapons. They have only 100,000 active employees. And finally, the Strategic Assault Force - this is the newest branch of the PLA, officially established in 2015, dealing with extremely modern forms of warfare such as space and cyber operations. This division is so new that we don't even have an exact number of active staff, but due to the specialization of the job and the fact that the group is only five years old, it is safe to assume that it is probably the smallest branch of the pla. However, we also have a much broader trend to consider here: the fact that China and India are two of the most populous nations in the world, with populations of 1.393 billion and 1.353 billion, respectively, as of 2018.

In an all-out situation - outside of the war over their shared border, if both nations were to introduce compulsory military service, the numerical differences between their armies would ultimately be nebulous. So if neither armies had an extreme numerical advantage in the event of another conflict, let's zoom in and take a look at the average service member in each infantry. Specifically, their training, equipment, and weaponry. Fortunately for India, they have grown to invest in more intensive military training over the years, including joint operations training with the British, American, Japanese, French and Australian armies as their involvement in the UN deepened. The Indian Army has also consistently invested in modernized primary assault rifle systems for its troops, and is currently working with a combination of American SiG Sauer 716 and Indo-Russian AK-47 203 assault rifles, a modernization of the famous AK-47, reliable and resistant. As of 2018, Indian infantry troops are equipped with SMPP ballistic armor, even capable of withstanding blasts from steel core rounds fired with an AK-47. All of these factors add up to a formidable individual soldier. China's infantry troops don't have exactly the same thing going for them. Modern Chinese military training has been criticized for years for its lack of useful applications in real-life combat scenarios, which means that the average military skills of a Chinese infantryman can leave something to be desired compared to their Indian counterparts. . They are formidable in the rifle department with the QBZ-95-1, a reliable Bullpup rifle that performs best at long range. Yet even though China is one of the world's most prolific exporters of bulletproof vests, it has historically failed to equip its troops with the same standard of protection.

The PLA is known for its light load, often leaving soldiers ill-prepared for fire, and giving Indian infantry troops a huge comparative advantage. According to a Global Times report, China is investing heavily in updating and modernizing its training system, as well as planning to purchase 1.4 million units of high-quality bulletproof vests for the PLA. While this is not a certainty currently, if these plans are carried out, any advantage the Indian Army may have had at the individual soldier level would essentially evaporate, leaving them dead even once more. But these days war is much more complex than a large group of armed men running against each other and fighting to the last standing. In modern warfare, technology can give the military the crucial advantage they need to ensure victory over the enemy. Since 2008, China and India rank second and third, respectively, in global military spending, but the gap between them is still quite huge.

Last year, China spent a staggering $ 261 billion on military development, compared to India's much smaller $ 71.1 billion. This disparity becomes a little more natural when you realize that China's economy is five times that of India. Let's see how these numbers actually translate into vehicles for your armies, navies, and air forces. While China is generally packing more hardware than India, an exception is in the world of tanks, where India's 4,200+ tanks are more than 1,000 more than China's 3,200+ tanks. However, this does not describe the full picture of China's ground capabilities. If you look at the number of armored ground vehicles overall, China's 33,000 dwarfs India's 8,600, giving them considerable ground superiority, bolstered by the fact that they have ten times as many rocket projectors than their counterparts. Indians. China also dominates the skies, with 3,210 aircraft compared to 2,123 for India. It also has roughly twice the number of fighter jets and interceptors and 507 operational airports compared to 346 in India. Once again, sadly for India, this trend continues in the country's navies. In terms of total naval assets, China surpasses India by 777 to 285. More specifically, it has 74 submarines compared to 16 in India and 36 destroyers compared to 11 in India. If wars were decided only by the team, it is unquestionable that China would win here. . Of course, while no one on earth wants the conflict to escalate to this point for the sake of human life, we would be remiss not to go back to the fact that China and India are nuclear nations.

If war ever turned into a nuclear force exchange, who would be victorious? Well, for various reasons, China has a distinct advantage here. Not only did they develop their nuclear capabilities just over a decade before India in 1964 (New Delhi would not have its first nuclear bomb until 1975), but its nuclear arsenal is also more than double that of India, with a growth rate much faster. China has an arsenal of 320 nuclear warheads, having grown by 40 last year. Compare this to India with just 150 nuclear warheads, which grew by just 10 in the last year. Both nations can deploy these warheads via the nuclear triad of missiles, submarines and bombers, and fortunately for the human race, both have a "no first strike" policy. This means that the warheads can only be used in retaliation for another nuclear strike, making it less likely that either country will want to strike first. Of course, if either of us did, we would all ultimately lose from the resulting radioactive shooting. But, in numbers, China has the clear victory over nuclear capabilities. One final factor worth considering is one that is rarely mentioned in a lot of abstract military planning: the allies.

While it's easy to think of war solely in terms of enemies, your diplomatic and military friends can also be a deciding factor in determining the outcome of a conflict. While China would largely work alone in a war against India, with the exception of perhaps Pakistan, a country with strained relations with India, to say the least, India itself has been building diplomatic relations with several extremely valuable allies. These include the United States, a country with the highest military spending in the world, which, under President Trump, has cooled off on relations with China, while also referring to India as an "important defense partner." India has also developed strong diplomatic ties with Japan, France and Australia by conducting a series of joint military exercises with all of them. Having these various world powers behind them gives India a serious combat advantage over China, provided these allies came to India's side in their time of need. While the United States could be India's biggest ally in this speculative war, President Trump's foreign policy is known to be fickle and unreliable to other allies, such as the Kurdish forces in Syria in 2019, so there really is no way to know for sure.

So, back to our big question: Who would win in conflict between India and China? It turns out that it is much more complex than you thought. While a layman might assume that China's apparent numerical and monetary advantages allow it to easily win, these advantages can be neutralized by India's strongest troops, who are better equipped, better trained and more experienced, and its larger network of powerful allies. Then there is the strategic picture, as while the Indian Navy is smaller than the Chinese Navy, India is situated in the jugular of Chinese trade, so to speak. Chinese commercial ships must traverse the Indian Ocean to reach their destinations, and while China may have a larger fleet, it is not very well equipped to conduct operations far from its own shores.

With only two aircraft carriers with a capacity of approximately 24 aircraft between them, and one that is not even operational yet, any Chinese foray into the Indian Ocean to protect its commercial fleets would be disastrous, as the Chinese task force would be brutally hit by the India. air and naval power. With China receiving most of its oil from maritime trade routes, a protracted war between the two nations would inevitably cripple both the Chinese military and industry. India would simply have to fight defensively, as the terrain separating India from China is extremely difficult and well suited for defensive warfare. While the Chinese could crush any Indian forays into China itself, and there would be few strategic objectives to take near the Indian border anyway, a war between the two nations would inevitably see India as the winner as it slowly strangles the Chinese trade to death.

USA Vs North Korea Military Comparison

USA Vs North Korea Military Comparison

 Military Comparison

USA Vs North Korea
USA Vs North Korea

It is a roar in the jungle, a confrontation on the 38th parallel. The North Korea versus the United States of America. Kim Jong Un vs. ... well, we're not sure who really because this script was written before the presidential election. It's the American bald eagle versus the North Korean ... junk pigeon? ... it doesn't really look like North Korea has an official national animal. It's a showdown the world has been waiting for decades, but how do these two antagonistic powers compare? Who really has the upper hand in a showdown on the Korean peninsula? For this scenario, let's compare the two countries alone, and without the help of allies, to see how they actually compare to each other. Overall, the United States is ranked the number one military power in the world, and currently the world's only superpower. It is a common mistake to call Russia or China a superpower, but the definition of a superpower is a state that can exert economic, cultural and military influence around the world. Currently, the United States is the only nation with military fleets and cultural / economic clout to do so. However, North Korea is not far behind in military department, and despite being an economically destitute hermit kingdom, it has managed to field an army that places it 25th in the world rankings. This is because most of the North Korean government's official budget goes to its military, and the military also receives hundreds of millions in undercover funding, usually the result of state-sponsored criminal enterprises.

In terms of manpower, the United States has an active duty force of 1.4 million people, compared to 1.28 million in North Korea. The United States also has a larger reserve force, with 860,000 troops versus North Korea's reserve force of 600,000. The United States barely has the numerical advantage here, but in a grueling multi-year conflict, the United States has the demographic advantage, with 4.2 million reaching service age each year compared to a paltry 415,000 in North Korea. If North Korea wants to win, it is clear that it has to secure victory as soon as possible. However, wars cost money and it turns out to be an extremely expensive affair. America's latest defense budget is about $ 750 billion, compared to North Korea's 1.6 billion. Of course, this is just the official government figure, and North Korea's actual defense budget is easily hundreds of millions higher thanks to all that black market activity; Remember kids, using drugs may seem tubular, but it's only helping North Korea go nuclear. But let's take a look at all the toys those big budgets buy. In the air, the US has 13,264 aircraft, compared with 949 for North Korea. There is not only a huge disparity in numbers, but also a huge disparity in capabilities.

The United States currently relies on the F-15 Eagle and the F-18 Superhornet as its primary air defense and air strike platforms. These two aircraft are fourth generation models, but have received serious enhancements in their capabilities that push them to a 4.5 generation capacity. Complementing the US fighting forces are the 187 F-22s, the world's only fully functioning fifth-generation fighter and officially the world's deadliest fighter jet. However, as more and more F-35s connect and reach initial operational capability status, the entire US fighter fleet is poised to become the fifth generation, a significant advantage on the battlefield. against any enemy. North Korea's air forces are decades behind the US in capacity. Its most numerous fighter jet, the Chengdu J-7, was developed in the 1960s and exported by China. Its most capable aircraft, the Mig-29, was developed in the 1970s as a counterweight to the American F-15; however, North Korea's Mig 29 is only 35, and they are believed to lack anything resembling modern avionics. To make matters worse, North Korea's entire inventory of air-to-air missiles heralds the Cold War, and the nation owns fewer than 500 of them. An air battle between the United States and North Korea would be useless for the hermit kingdom, which is why its pilots are trained in kamikaze tactics. If war broke out, the North Korean air force would launch one-way strikes through the DMZ, knowing that its air force could never survive an air war. Yet in the mountainous terrain of North Korea, perhaps no aircraft is more important.

Not only is each Apache equipped with state-of-the-art electronics and sensors, but these agile birds are extremely difficult to start. When an entire group of Apaches were ambushed in a protracted battle against insurgents on the ground in Afghanistan, it is famous that the United States only lost one bird while decimating the ground forces below them. North Korea's 20 attack helicopters are the Soviet-made Mig-24 'Hinds', an extremely capable attack helicopter that, despite being outdated, still packs an impressive punch. The good news for US ground forces is that North Korea only operates a small number of these powerful Russian birds of prey. On the ground, North Korea is almost shoulder to shoulder with the United States in terms of armored forces. With 6,045 battle tanks versus 6,289 in the US, the two tank armies are almost even in terms of numbers. However, in terms of quality, well, North Korea once again suffers a lot. North Korea's most formidable tank is a native upgrade to the Soviet T-62 known as Ch'ŏnma-ho. Since the T-62 is North Korea's most numerous and near-modern design, a large number of them were upgraded with new armor, fire and sight systems, and other sensors. These may indeed be improved designs, but the main model is still the 1960s T-62. North Korea is known to operate at least 1,000 of these tanks, but may have more than 1,200.

North Korea's second most prolific tank is the T-54 and T-55, of which it operates 2,000. These antiquated, underpowered tanks were terrifying when the Soviet Union first launched them in the 1950s, but as Iraq discovered in the first Gulf War, they pose absolutely no threat to America's modern Abrams. On the ground, North Korean tank forces simply could not hope to do more than delay an American armored advance. However, one area in which North Korea rises above the US is in the size of its rocket artillery forces, with 2,110 to the US's 1,366. rockets may not have the fire resistance of traditional artillery, but it provides an extremely crucial advantage over regular artillery: firing all of its ammunition in extremely rapid succession, rocket artillery puts all its steel on the target in seconds, giving troops and vehicles little time to seek shelter. While the US has more modern versions of rocket projectors, the technology is so simple that even North Korea's Soviet-era technology poses a significant and deadly threat to US forces. In the seas, the United States has a fleet of 490 ships compared to 984.

North Korea may seem to have the advantage in numbers, but that is because the vast majority of its ships are small torpedo boats that cannot operate far away. of the coast. The second largest element of the North Korean navy is its submarine forces, with one of the largest submarine forces in the world between 60 and 80. 40 of these submarines are of the medium-size diesel-electric Sang-O class, built in the late 1990s. While not particularly advanced compared to the Los Angeles and Virginia class nuclear submarines of the US Navy, diesel-electric submarines used in a defensive posture near the coast can be an incredibly effective force, even if they are technologically outgunned. By prowling close to shore and running quietly on battery power, North Korea could simply choose to have these subs on the lookout for oncoming American ships and launch deadly ambushes. The nation's willingness to operate these ships in a kamikaze style similar to its air force only adds to the lethality of North Korea's submarine force. By comparison, the United States operates 66 submarines, most of which are Los Angeles-class attack submarines. These are in the process of being phased out by the new Virginia-class, which incorporates many of the Seawolf-class technologies at a lower cost and therefore less effective than the deadly Seawolf, which is sadly too expensive to place in large quantities.

3 of the legendary Seawolf-class submarines remain in service with the Navy, with no short-term plans to retire them, although the Navy plans to acquire a new modern variant of the Seawolf for use on extremely important or sensitive missions. With 20 carriers, including smaller carriers intended to support amphibious operations, the US is guaranteed to have air power anywhere in the world that needs it. By comparison, North Korea does not have an aircraft carrier and could not hope to operate one in its current economic climate, much less ensure that it survives first contact with US forces. Yet despite all these naval advantages for the US, North Korea once again has the advantage in one area: mine warfare. With 23 vessels specially equipped to mine sea lanes, up from 11 in the US, North Korea is poised to make an amphibious strike against it by the US superior fleet. A costly affair in terms of hand of work and equipment. Sea mine clearance is an extremely dangerous and time-consuming business, and with so many mine-laying ships, North Korea could make entire beaches and ports completely inaccessible to US forces.

The military advantage is clearly in favor of the United States, but a confrontation between the two countries has much more nuance than simply comparing numbers. The United States must maintain global commitments even during a war, which means that it could not commit more than 30-40% of its total force in a conflict with North Korea. That brings the number parity down a lot on the American side, although much higher equipment and training, or force multipliers, practically ensure an American victory. However, it would be an extremely costly victory for the United States and its allies, as North Korea is well prepared to make a northward advance from South Korea an extremely bloody affair. With its mine-laying capabilities, the North Korean navy could render the ocean around the Korean peninsula inaccessible for weeks, disrupting not only military operations but also civilian traffic and closing one of the busiest commercial arteries. of the world. Then there is North Korea's nuclear program, the scope of which is still unknown. What is clear is that North Korea has the materials and technology for several bombs; some estimates put North Korea's current arsenal at 30-40 weapons. Even though most of these weapons could not reach the US mainland, they would make any conflict on the peninsula an extremely dangerous affair, and a losing Kim Jong Un is likely to decide to use nuclear weapons against the forces of USA and South Korea instead of being deposed. like so many dictators before him. Now go to weird things that only exist in North Korea.

Canada Vs USA Military Comparison

Canada Vs USA Military Comparison

 Military Comparison

Canada Vs USA
Canada Vs USA

For millions of years, the northern half of North America has remained together, when other present-day continents were busy breaking away from the "supercontinents" of the past. Trade routes traversed both countries over the centuries, and even today the United States and Canada, in terms of imports and exports, are highly dependent on each other. Economic ties, European influence, democratic governance, to some extent a mixture of religion and culture and, of course, English as the dominant language, make the two nations part of the same family. However, as most Canadians and Americans will tell you, the two countries are different in many ways too. A big difference is how nations have developed in terms of defense. Today we thought that we would compare them militarily, in this episode of the Infographics Show, the United States against Canada.

Don't forget to subscribe and click the bell button so you can be part of our notifications team. The U.S.A declared its independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1776. Canada became an autonomous country on July 1, 1867, but it was not until the Canada Act of 1982 that the British ceased to have influence in the Canadian constitution. These two bordering nations each have a huge land mass, with Canada being the second largest nation on Earth behind Russia. However, Canada's territory of 3,855,100 square miles is not much larger than the fourth ranked in the United States. The land mass of the United States is 3,705,407 square miles.

And of course China is the third largest nation in the world. Given the size of these giant nations, you might not be surprised to hear that the border between Canada and the US is the longest border in the world at 5,525 miles long. While there have been disputes in the past over land demarcation in some border areas, as the borders have advanced, the divide between the United States and Canada has seen little conflict. The only time the two countries clashed was in 1812, when Canada, as a colony of Great Britain, was embroiled in the latter's dispute over American expansionism. Since then, countries have been the best allies.

In fact, the need for safe trade routes and a friendly relationship allowed both countries to prosper. After China, Canada is the largest trading partner of the United States, while for Canada the United States is its largest trading partner. However, the United States has a much larger GDP than Canada, as we all know. Its GDP of over 18 trillion is the largest in the world, while Canada's GDP is said to be in 10th place on the list at $ 1.53 trillion. The US is considered to have the strongest military in the world, and with a defense budget of $ 611 billion, about 3.3 percent of GDP, the United States spends more than the rest of the world by one mile. Canada, a country not often praised for its military prowess, spends about $ 15.5 billion on defense, which is about one percent of GDP.

However, this will change soon. In June this year, it was reported that Canada will increase military spending to $ 32.7 billion over the next ten years. Canadian Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan was quoted as saying: "If we are serious about Canada's role in the world, then we must get serious about funding our armed forces." Now let's see where all the money goes. The United States has a population of 325 million people, 1.3 million of whom are active military personnel and another 811,000 serve as reserve personnel. By comparison, the Canadian military is tiny, with 95,000 active front-line personnel and another 51,000 working as reserves. Canada's population is just over 35 million. Size does matter, and while the Canadian military is small in number, its special forces are said to be some of the most skilled soldiers in the world. In terms of ground equipment, the United States' arsenal of weapons is almost unmatched. The country has around 5,884 tanks, 41,000 armored fighting vehicles, 1,934 self-propelled guns, 1,299 towed artillery, and 1,331 multiple launch rocket systems. Canada has 80 tanks, 3,004 AFVs, 0 SPG, 161 towed artillery and 0 MLRS. This somewhat meager arsenal, however, consists mainly of modern equipment.

Canada's top battle tanks include a fleet of German-made Leopard 2A4 and Leopard 2A6, some of the most advanced tanks ever created. Canada has also just been hailed as a major military equipment innovator for developing what has been called a "Terminator-like weapon." According to military analysts, the Canadian Defense Research and Development organization has created the weapon of the future in its "super-weapon" or "smart gun" of Integrated Precision Effects Systems for Soldiers. However, smart rifles may not be enough to contain America's thousands of highly rated M1 Abrams battle tanks, a proven machine that has logged a great deal of man-hours. The United States is also investing heavily in developing its own super tank, the M1A2 SEP v3.

The Royal Canadian Air Force is also somewhat outmatched in the skies when compared to the U.S.A Air Force. Canada has a total of 414 military aircraft, 60 of which are fighter / interceptors and 64 of which are fixed-wing attack aircraft. The country has no attack helicopters. The best of the crop is its fleet of 103 American-made multi-role combat aircraft, the McDonnell Douglas CF-18 Hornet. The Canadian government has also thought about purchasing the American F-35 stealth fighter, though that will come at some cost. Perhaps with the 70 percent increase in defense spending, Canada may have the plane in its sights. The United States outperforms any other air force and has many options in terms of inventory. The United States has about 13,444 aircraft, many of which are touted as the best in the world. This includes legions of F-22A Raptors, F-16 Fighting Falcons, F-15E Strike Eagles, and the notoriously expensive F-35A Lightning II. The United States also has a large fleet of McDonnell Douglas CF-18 Hornets, some of which have been converted to F / A-18E Super Hornets. Canada's naval force is quite small compared to the giant of the US Navy, although the Royal Canadian Navy has fought many battles over the years and is currently in the process of expanding its fleet. The RCN consists of 0 aircraft carriers, 12 frigates, 12 coastal defense vessels, 4 patrol submarines, and 8 unarmed patrol / training vessels.

The United States has 11 aircraft carriers, 22 cruisers, 67 destroyers, 8 frigates, 75 submarines, 0 corvettes, 9 amphibious assault ships, 11 mine warfare ships, and 55 patrol boats. It is also developing its multi-million dollar behemoth, the class supercarrier Gerald R. Ford. Regarding nuclear capabilities, Canada does not have its own nuclear weapons, although it does contribute to the United States' military programs. Canada is also protected under the NATO nuclear umbrella. The United States, on the other hand, along with Russia, possesses nearly half of the world's 15,000 nuclear weapons. 1,800 of these weapons are currently deployed. Super weapons and weapons of mass destruction aside, these two countries share an enduring partnership when it comes to their defense strategies. The United States and Canada are the only two countries outside of European nations that belong to NATO. Together, the two friendly neighbors have formed an alliance that combines a huge military force.

This is recognized in official pacts, such as the binational organization: the North American Aerospace Defense Command, the Combined Defense Plan, and even the exchange of military resources in times of natural disasters under the Canada-United States Civil Assistance Plan. In addition to the skirmish of 1812, the two countries have enjoyed arguably the most peaceful border relationship on the planet. Canada and the United States are the closest allies, they are culturally intertwined, and economically dependent on their vigorous trade relationships. We hope you enjoyed this story of two sister nations. Do you think the bond between the United States and Canada is unbreakable, or is it just a matter of time before it vanishes? Let us know in the comments!

India Vs Pakistan Military Comparison

India Vs Pakistan Military Comparison

 Military Comparison

India Vs Pakistan
India Vs Pakistan

The national security of India and Pakistan will hinge on the manner in which each state converts economic power into military strength before we go into the military comparison between India and Pakistan let's have a sneak peak on the rivals between them in the past years now these two countries have long been at odds with each other having engaged in several Wars conflicts and military standoffs the rout of the continued attention are complex but have centered mainly around the earth while princely state of Jammu and Kashmir after the 1947 partition of India the newly formed independent states of Pakistan and India scrambled over ad which led to the indo-pakistan war of 1947 to 1948 and the subsequent sharing of the state the settlement was not agreeable to both the parties and since then this had become an ongoing intractable issue leading to a war in 1965 the nations also partook in another war in 1971 which led to the formation of bat of Bangladesh and both countries developed nuclear weapons in the 1990s and this had a sobering effect on the next major conflict that is the 1999 Kargil war so do you think India currently has the upper hand and a number of defense  aspects well let's find out coming first to the general information.

New Delhi serves as the capital of India whereas the capital city of Pakistan is Islamabad India is the world's second most populous country after the People's Republic of China and according to the latest population census India reaches the astonishing number of one point three seven eight billion population on the other hand Pakistan 2020 population is estimated at 220 point three six million people at mid-year according to UN data India as the seventh largest country in the world with a total area of three point two eight seven million square kilometers  and India measures 3214 kilometers  from north to south and 2933 kilometers from east to west Pakistan however covers an area of eight 80 1913 square kilometers  and it is the 33rd largest nation by total area fuel consumption by the military has been steadily increasing now let's compare their oil resources India produces 1.6 million barrels per day of oil ranking 20th in the world whereas Pakistan produces 88,000 261 barrels per day of oil ranking 53rd in the world India consumes 5 million barrels per day of oil on the average and it ranks 3rd in the world for oil consumption accounting for about 4.6 percent of the world's total consumption Pakistan however consumes only 556 thousand barrels per day and even when it comes to proven oil reserves India is far more compared to Pakistan ranking 24th in the world and accounting for about 0.3 percent of the world's total oil reserves whereas Pakistan ranks 52nd in the world.

India vs. Pakistan a clash of powers that if both sides committed fully to would be the largest armed conflict since World War two but which side who really has the upper hand let's have a look at their manpower strength of manpower gives us more accurate picture of the global distribution of military muscle the Indian armed forces are the military forces of the Republic of India and it consists of three professional uniformed services that is the Indian Army Indian Navy and the Indian Air Force's similarly Pakistan Armed Forces though comprises of four main service branch but their distribution are more concentrated into Army Navy and Air Force the Indian Army is the largest standing army in the world with 1 point to 3 million active troops and 960,000 reserve troops according to the estimation provided by the International Institute for Strategic Studies in 2017 the Pakistan Army had approximately 550,000 active duty personnel snow and 500,000 reserve personnel as of June 2019 Indian Navy has 67,000 252 active and 55,000 Reserve personnel in service whereas Pakistan Navy has 25,000 active personnel and 5,000 Seraph personnel as of 1st July 2017 139,000 576 personnel are in service with the Indian Air Force and 140,000 our reserve personnel. 

Whereas Pakistan as per the latest report from IISS the PAF has 70,000 active duty personnel and 8,000 reserve force so this gives up to a total of 1.4 4 million active personnel of the Indian Armed Forces which ranks the second largest in the world and 653 thousand active personnel of the Pakistan Armed Forces which ranks six largest in the world the Indian Armed Forces has a reserve personnel of 1.15 million numbers while Pakistan has 500 8,500 reserve personnel amid rising tensions between India and Pakistan the military imbalance between the two nuclear-armed neighbors is making many take note India's defense  budget is growing at an impressive clip that horizon personnel cause are crowding out resources for modernization Pakistan spends more on defense than its official estimate suggests and Pakistan leaves on important components of the defense  budget and there is a reason to believe that off budget finance and supplements official spending according to the latest figures from Stockholm International Peace Research Institute there are some significant differences between the two countries India's military spending is 71 point 1 billion US dollars as for 2019 which ranks third in the world while Pakistan accounted for 10 point three billion u.s. dollars which ranks 24th in the world India's military expenditure for 2019 accounted for 2.4 percent of its GDP whereas Pakistan accounted for 4 percent of its GDP absent reconciliation between India and Pakistan how each state converts economic power into military strength will reflect long-standing grievances for India most of the army equipment is a foreign design and produced under license in India but efforts are on to progressively design and manufacture equipment locally Pakistan's military land equipment - are mainly foreign made the Indian Army operating on land is the largest component of the armed forces and even Pakistan's army is the principal  land warfare branch of the Pakistan armed forces since they are the main component now let's have a look at their numbers of equipment’s India has 4,795 numbers of Tanks while Pakistan has 2735 numbers the number of armored fighting vehicles for India - is more compared to Pakistan.

India has 266 rocket projectors versus 102 Pakistan as for field artillery systems India is more than three times bigger compared to its rival however the Pakistan Army Force has more self-propelled artillery compared to India the Indian Air Force with highly trained crews and pilots bears the responsibility of safeguarding the Indian airspace since 1950 the IAF has been involved in full warrants with neighbouring Pakistan and one with the People's Republic of China India's combat aircraft today are mainly mig-21 mig-29 Sukhoi su-30mki Dassault Mirage 2000 Jaguar and mig-27 Pakistan Air Force primary mandate and mission however is to provide in synergy with other inter services the most efficient assured and cost-effective aerial defence of Pakistan since its establishment in 1947 the PAF has been involved in various combat operations providing aerial support to the operations and relief efforts of the Pakistani military Pakistan's main combat aircraft include f7p Dassault Mirage III f-16 jf-17 and Dassault Mirage 5 now let's talk numbers in terms of combat aircraft India is just a bit more than Pakistan but they have two times more helicopters and five times more transports compared to Pakistan India has 359 trainers versus 513 to Pakistan this all makes up two 2123 numbers of total aircraft for India and 1372 that of Pakistan the primary objective of The Indian Navy should safeguard the nation's maritime borders and in conjunction with other Union Act armed forces to deter or defeat any threat or aggression against the territory people or maritime interests of India both in war and peace the Indian Navy have already filled at the re Han class which is a nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine which makes India the sixth country ever to do so the Pakistan Navy however is a volunteer force which has been in conflict with neighboring India twice on its maritime borders and has been repeatedly deployed to the Indian Ocean to act as a military adviser to Arab states and other friendly nations during events of multinationals conflict as part of its commitment to the United Nations.

So what is the strength of their naval force in this fleet strength is nearly three times more compared to Pakistan and they have two aircraft carriers while Pakistan has none they have twice the number of submarines to that of Pakistan even in the case of destroyers frigates and Corvettes India has more compared to Pakistan and India has 139 numbers of coastal patrol versus 12 to that of Pakistan but in mine warfare both have the same numbers both nations have ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons India has nine types of operational missiles including the Agni 3 with a range of 3,000 kilometers to 5,000 kilometers according to the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

According to the CSIs Pakistan's missile program built with Chinese assistance includes mobile short and medium-range weapons that can reach any part of India except the Shaheen 2 which has the longest range up to 2,000 kilometers as for nuclear arsenals although throughout the 1970s and at the beginning of 1980s there were little facts regarding Pakistan's nuclear capabilities and there were rumors that from the mid-1980s Pakistan already had few warheads however it was only in 1998 that Pakistan decided to conduct their first nuclear tests the main goal of Pakistan to construct nuclear weapons was to response to India's claim they were capable of building nuclear weapons Pakistan Iran has 150 to 160 nuclear warheads compared with India's 130 to 140 warheads according to SIPRI latest updates India likely spends at least 4 percent of its defense budget on nuclear weapons, while nuclear weapons account for at least 10 percent of Pakistan's military spending, military development in India and Pakistan will have profound implications for the regions and international security the strategic competition between India and Pakistan is evolving with India outpacing Pakistan and conventional capabilities while Pakistan seeks to compete with nuclear capabilities India is ranked the 4th most powerful military power in the world according to the global firepower index unchanged since 2017 India's military strength is second only to that of the US Russia and China while Pakistan's actual defense budget is slightly higher than the estimates provided an official defense budget documents and they are likely to increase the number of nuclear arsenals so guys what are your thoughts do leave a comment in the comment section below and thank you so much for viewing.

Armenia Vs Azerbaijan Military Comparison

Armenia Vs Azerbaijan Military Comparison

 Military Comparison

Armenia Vs Azerbaijan
Armenia Vs Azerbaijan

Armenia and Azerbaijan are fighting for control of nargono karabakh which is a disputed territory internationally recognized as a part of Azerbaijan  and a strip of land between the province and the Armenia n border fighting in and around this disputed enclave shows signs that a local ethnic dispute could spiral into a regional conflict. 

So as the two neighbors have seen frequent flare-ups this has prompted fears that tensions could escalate further so is the war between Azerbaijan  and Armenia  a real possibility and if these two countries ever face against each other who do you think will win let's compare the current population of Azerbaijan  is 10.169 million which ranks at 90 in the list of countries by population while the current population of Armenia  is 2.965 million which ranks number 137 in the world the total area of Azerbaijan  is 86 000 kilometers square which is three times bigger compared to Armenia  defense  spending is one of the most direct ways of measuring a country's potential military capability the latest defense  budget of Azerbaijan  is 2.8 billion us dollars while Armenia  is 1.38 billion us dollars which is two times lesser compared to Azerbaijan.  

The armed forces of Azerbaijan  consist of three professional uniformed services that is the Azerbaijan i land forces the Azerbaijan i air and air defense force and the Azerbaijan i navy since the fall of the soviet union Azerbaijan  has been trying to further develop its armed forces into a professional well-trained and mobile military the answer by Johnny land forces is the largest components of the armed forces of Azerbaijan  having 56 850 ground force troops with additional paramilitary forces of 15 000. while the Armenia n armed forces comprised of only two services the army and the air force and air defense  the Armenia n land forces is the largest component of the armed forces of Armenia  the smallest component that is the Armenia n air force has only three thousand active personnel so totaling all this together the armed forces of Armenia  has 45 000 active personnel while the armed forces of Azerbaijan  comprises of 126 600 active personnel as for reserve personnel the armed forces of Armenia  is a hundred thousand lesser than the armed forces of Azerbaijan.  

The mig-29 has been designated as the standard aircraft for the Azerbaijan i air force it is the only multi-role aircraft used by this country the final aircraft used by them is the mig-21 fished which is also an interceptor aircraft while the sukhoi su-25 serves as an attack aircraft for the Azerbaijan i air force they have one transport aircraft that is the illusion ill-76 the only attack helicopter used by this force is the mil mi-24 which are 17 in numbers they also have four cam of ka-27 which is an anti-submarine warfare helicopter two bell 412 which is the utility helicopter and 17 numbers of mil mi 17 which is a medium twin turbine transport helicopter the answer by Johnny air force used the airway l-39 which is a light ground trainer aircraft the pcl mi2 which is a rotorcraft trainer and the pac-mfi-17 mushack which is a light attack trainer aircraft the country also operates the ucavs which are mainly surveillance drone imported mainly from Israel this includes the hermit 450 iai heron ii searcher orbiter aerostar and baratar tv2 which is a Turkish drone as for Armenia  the sukhoi su-30 is the only multi-world aircraft for this country having only four numbers and eight more are in order the sukhoi s225 served as an attack aircraft and they have 13 in numbers like Azerbaijan  they also use the same transport aircraft which is the illusion il-76 but they have only three in numbers the Armenia n air force have 15 mil mi24 attack helicopter and 12 mil mi-8 utility helicopter trainer aircraft include the mil mi2 which is a lightly armed turbine-powered transport helicopter and the airway l-39 which is imported from czechoslovakia. 

The total trainer is only 12 whereas Azerbaijan  have 29 numbers Armenia n air force have more numbers of transport aircraft but as for helicopters they are three times lesser than the Azerbaijan i air force even fighter multirole and attack aircraft the Azerbaijan i air force have more numbers compared to its rival they also have 46 ucavs in total while Armenia  have none so this gives a total of 193 numbers of aircraft for the Azerbaijan i air force versus 59 for the Armenia n air force talking about naval powers the answer by johnny navy have four submarines that is the soviet triton 2m and triton 1 submarines they operate only one frigate named the patea class aircraft again of soviet origin they do not operate destroyers aircraft carriers and corvettes but they do operate quite a number of patrol boats the stenka class patrol boat is the main boat which is an anti-submarine patrol boat they also have a large torpedo boat called the eosa-class missile boat and the Azerbaijan i navy also operate the savatelya class patrol boat which is again an anti-submarine patrol boat the ab25 class patrol craft which is a class of large patrol craft and a point class cutter being a landlocked country Armenia  has no navy so the total patrol boats operated by Azerbaijan i navy is 13 and they have seven mine warfare.

One submarine frigates and its total fleet strength is 31. the heavy equipment and weaponry of the Azerbaijan i land forces is of mostly foreign manufacturer like from Russia the main battle tanks are t-90s which is a third generation Russian battle tank the t-72 which is a family of soviet main battle tanks and t-55 which is again a series of soviet main battle tanks apart from tanks they have many armored fighting vehicles as well the main rocket artillery used by this army include the b-21 granby m-30s merge lynx and t-122 Zachariah not just the Azerbaijan  but even the Armenia n army also use the same main battle tanks as them as for multiple launch rocket systems they use the Chinese wm80 soviet bm-21 grand soviet bm 30s merge Russian tos-1a and their own n2 so talking about quantity wise they have over a total of 110 numbers of tanks versus 570 to that of Azerbaijan  the armored fighting vehicles of the Azerbaijan i land forces doubles than that of the Armenia n army they even have more self-propelled artillery rocket projectors and field artillery as well anyway that was the military comparison between Azerbaijan  and Armenia  even with the current situation that is going on as there has been frequent flare-ups let's hope both the countries won't blunder into war with each other so it won't end in a catastrophe thank you so much.

Greece Vs Turkey Military Comparison

Greece Vs Turkey Military Comparison

  Military Comparison

Greece Vs Turkey
Greece Vs Turkey 

NATO allies Turkey and Greece have clashed twice in the past two weeks and relations between the two countries have seen a marked decline this year as the two neighbors have seen frequent outbreaks of this latest hit on reserves. Gas and maritime rights has sparked fears Tensions could rise further, as could the war between Greece and Turkey.

A real possibility and if these two countries ever face against each other who do you think will win let's compare the current population of Greece is 10.4 million which ranks number 87 in list of countries by population while the current population of turkey is 84.4 million which is equivalent to 1.08 of the total world population and ranks number 17 in the world the total area of turkey is 769 630 kilometers square which is six times bigger compared to Greece defense spending is one of the most direct ways of measuring a country's potential military capability the latest defense budget of Greece is 4.8 billion us dollars while turkey is 19 billion us dollars which is four times higher than Greece the Hellenic armed forces army are the military forces of Greece it consists of three professional uniformed services that is the Hellenic army the Hellenic navy and the Hellenic air forces the Hellenic army is the largest of the three branches of the Hellenic armed forces while the Turkish armed forces are the military forces of the republic of turkey are the second largest permanent military force in NATO after the united states armed forces also consist of land forces,

Naval forces and the air forces the Turkish army operating on land is the largest component of the Turkish armed forces with 265 000 active military troops while the Hellenic army has only a hundred thousand active troops the Turkish air force has 60 thousand active personnel which is nearly two times compared to the Hellenic air force even the active naval force of Greece is still less compared to turkey but as for reserve personnel the Hellenic armed force forces are more than the Turkish armed forces comprising of 550 thousand the main aircraft of the Hellenic air forces include the mirage 2000 f-4 phantom 2 and the f-16 fighting falcon and as for helicopters they mainly use the bell 205 and euro copter as332 the Hellenic air forces used Embraer e99 for airborne early warning and control bombardier cl-415 for aerial fire fighting and the Lockheed c-130 for transportation the main combat aircraft of the Turkish air forces are the same as the Hellenic air forces that is the f4 phantom 2 and the f-16 fighting falcon they had previously received eight f-16s that were purchased directly from the united states

Bringing the total number of the f-16s received by the air force to 240. the main helicopters used by them include the bell uh-1 sikorsky s70 and the euro copter as-332 other modern platforms that have entered service is the Boeing 737 piece eagle for for airborne early warning and control the airbus a400m atlas for strategic airlift and kc 135 strato tanker for aerial refueling turkey placed an order for 30 f-35 lightning tunes with four delivered to Luke air force base and then had the order cancelled due to the country's acquisition of the s-400 sam systems from Russia now talking about quantity wise the total combat aircraft of the Hellenic air forces is 187 versus 206 to that of Turkish air forces they have far to less helicopters trainers and even transports compared to its rival so this gives a total of 576 total aircraft of the Hellenic air forces which is half compared to Turkish air forces history shows that rancor on land or in the air can easily sprawl out to the sea or saltwater conflict could ensue independently of events ashore the Hellenic navy relies mainly on frigates as is primarily surface heavy boats and the types operated are the hydro class and the alley class the Hellenic navy submarine command operates 11 submarines of four types the newest and most advanced type operated is the type one for papa Nicholas class they are also equipped with osprey and asheville classes which serve as gunboats and various types of other ships and mine warfare's while the clans of frigates of the Turkish naval force

Include gabia clouds class and the yavo's class submarines operated by them are the Adelaide class the previous class and the gore-class submarines the Turkish naval force also operates corvids and the corvettes class operated are the outer class and the barrack class both the naval forces do not use aircraft carriers and destroyers talking about numbers the Turkish navy has 16 frigates which is just a bit more than the Hellenic naval forces submarines used by both the naval forces are almost equal in number and the Turkish navy operates 10 numbers of corvettes while the Hellenic navy do not operate them both the naval force has equal number of coastal patrol but as for the mine warfare the Hellenic naval forces are less compared to its rival hence the total fleet strength of the Hellenic naval force is 116 versus 149 to that of the Turkish naval force the heavy equipment and weaponry of the Hellenic army is of mostly foreign manufacturer from American British French germane and other suppliers exception are the cantors and the Leonidas armored fighting vehicles which are built in Greece by the Hellenic vehicle industry main battle tanks of the Hellenic army forces include the leopard 2a6hal leopard 2a4 and leopard 1a5 which are German made the US tanks include m48a5 and m60a3 the Atlantic army used the rm70 and the us-270 multiple rocket launchers.

Turkish army force also used the m270 mlrs besides m270 they also use the t122 mgm 140 atacms t107 and t300 the main battle tanks of the Turkish army force are the Adelaide leopard 2 leopard 1 m60 patent and the m48 patent [Music] they have over a total of 2 3880 number of tanks versus 1 900 to that of Greece the armor fighting vehicles of the Turkish land forces almost doubled than that of the Hellenic army they even have more self-propelled artillery rocket projectors and fill artillery as well anyway that was the military comparison between Greece and Turkey, even with the current situation that is happening, as there have been frequent outbreaks, let's hope that the two do not get into a war with each other. so it won't end in a catastrophe.

Russia Vs USA Military Comparison

Russia Vs USA Military Comparison

Military Comparison

Russia Vs USA
Russia Vs USA

America's relationship with Russia today is the worst it has been since 1985. Moscow's interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and what appears to be its continued attempts to disrupt the 2020 election campaign have turned Russia into a toxic internal problem. in a way that it has not been since 1950s yet as the world's two nuclear superpowers Russia and the United states bear a unique responsibility to keep the peace and discourage the proliferation of nuclear biological and chemical weapons around the globe moreover.

There are global challenges such as terrorism climate change governing the arctic and dealing with the covet 19 pandemic that necessitate working together in this Article we will look at the military powers between them and please keep in mind that these updates may be quite outdated or inaccurate due to the global impact of the pandemic. This year let us first start with country size the threat of climate change remains critical for all countries as oceans level rise the total area reduces each year forcing people to evacuate from shores and islands we all know Russia is the largest country in the world with a total size of 17 million square kilometers or 6 million square miles now coming to population the impact of covet 19 has fluctuated the world population in 2020 and due to this you may find an inaccuracy in our data the Russian population in 2020 is estimated to be around 144 million at mid-year that is roughly about 1.87 of the world population the total population of USA is roughly about 331 million as of 2020 which is equivalent to 4.25 of the total world population now coming to natural resources oil remains the lifeblood in military and therefore the most important natural resource in military in 2019.

Russia produced more than 10 million barrels per day whereas USA produced more than 9.3 million barrels per day the total oil consumption of Russia is less than the total oil produced on the other hand USA consumes more oil than it produces this is one of the reasons why the united states depend oil from other countries especially the middle east in 2019 the proven reserved oil for Russia has been found to be more than the USA with more than twice the total volume next we have military expenditures military expenditure in Russia is expected to reach 7 billion us dollars by the start of 2021 according to trading economics global macro models and analysts expectations currently Russia's military budget is about 66 billion us dollars for fiscal year 2020.

The department of defense budget authority is approximately 721.5 billion U.S dollars the standard measure of the value added created through the production of goods and services in Russia this year is about 4.3 percent and USA is about 3.1 next we come to manpower the military age of manpower in Russia is between 18 to 27. available manpower is about 68 million and out of these 46 million are fit for service the total military personnel of Russia is over 3 million with 900 000 active personnel and 2 million are reserved the available manpower in the USA is about 144 million and out of these 119 million are fit for service the total military personnel of USA is estimated to be about 2.26 million with 1.4 million active and 860 000 reserved now we've come to important aspects in military air forces.

USA has the greatest number of military aircraft in the world and also the number one country with most powerful fighter jets compared to Russia USA has more than three times total aircraft according to latest reports total number of fighter jets for USA is more than 2 000 while Russia of only 873 total dedicated attack aircraft is almost the same between the two countries total fixed during transport aircraft of Russia is about 424 and for USA 945. the total trainer aircraft of USA is up to 2643 as of 2020 while Russia of only 497 special mission aircraft of Russia and USA are 127 and 742 respectively helicopter strength of Russia is 15 and USA is 5768.

lastly attack helicopter strength of Russia and USA are 531 and 967 respectively another second important aspect in military is the land force according to latest updates Russia has about 12 950 tanks and USA has about 6289 tanks in total armored vehicles of USA is about 39 000 and Russia of only 27 000. total self-propelled artillery of Russia is almost four times to that of the U.S and Russia has increased up to 400 towed artillery and 3 800 rocket projectors.

USA has about 2 740 towed artillery and 1366 rocket projectors and lastly we will look into the naval forces the total naval asset or fleet strength of Russia is more than the USA currently Russia's only aircraft carrier has undergone refit and will be ready in the coming years USA has the most aircraft carriers in the world with 10 Nimitz class two general r4 class and different landing helicopter docks the total number of destroyers for Russia is 16 and USA is 91.

America does not use frigates anymore because they were deemed less practical than very large destroyers corvette strength for Russia is quite high when compared to USA the total submarine strength between the two is competitive coastal patrol boats for Russia is 41 and 13 for USA and lastly mine warfare craft strength for Russia is 48 and only 11 for USA lastly we have nuclear weapons USA the first country to develop and to use nuclear warheads in the world everything started from the Manhattan project a research that had one particular goal in focus to develop and produce the first nuclear weapon Americans were the first to wield a such powerful weapon everything started in 1941 which is the date of the beginning of Manhattan project since the end of the second world war united states became the leading country when it came to possessing nuclear warheads and it lasted approximately to 1980s we should also bear in mind that united states is the only nation that ever used nuclear weapon in military conflict in 1960 the number of warheads stored by Americans exceeded 30 thousand however throughout the entire period of the so-called cold war.

USA managed to build approximately 70 000 nuclear warheads which is more than all other countries with access to nuclear weapons combined from the first tests that happened in 1945 to this day the USA conducted 1054 tests of atomic bombs still as a result of introduced restrictions on the number of warheads one state can possess the current number has dropped to 6 500 warheads a noteworthy fact is also that out of this number united states deployed only 1 600. Russia the second most important state when it comes to researching developing and then storing nuclear weapon although the Russians managed to catch up with the Americans later on it was only in 1949 that the first nuclear test conducted by the then soviet union occurred it was still quite a surprise for the western powers who believed that Russia wouldn't be capable of producing nuclear warheads until 1953-1954 after the first test the nation in question started to rapidly increase the number of warheads they possessed in the end of 1980s they were the leading power when it came to a total number of warheads stored it was approximately 40 000 warheads nowadays similarly to united states the Russians store a total of 6490 warheads which is constantly more than America when it comes to the total number of deployed warheads the amount is the same as in case of Americans namely 1 600 deployed warheads we should also keep in mind the fact that Russia conducted over 700 tests which makes them the second most important nation when it comes to developing nuclear weapons however it was the soviet union that managed to create the biggest bomb in the world known as star bomber which had blast yield of 50 megatons of tnt so guys we hope you've enjoyed this.