Russia Vs USA Military Comparison
Military Comparison
Russia Vs USA |
America's relationship with Russia today is the worst it has been since 1985. Moscow's interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and what appears to be its continued attempts to disrupt the 2020 election campaign have turned Russia into a toxic internal problem. in a way that it has not been since 1950s yet as the world's two nuclear superpowers Russia and the United states bear a unique responsibility to keep the peace and discourage the proliferation of nuclear biological and chemical weapons around the globe moreover.
There are global challenges such as terrorism climate change governing the arctic and dealing with the covet 19 pandemic that necessitate working together in this Article we will look at the military powers between them and please keep in mind that these updates may be quite outdated or inaccurate due to the global impact of the pandemic. This year let us first start with country size the threat of climate change remains critical for all countries as oceans level rise the total area reduces each year forcing people to evacuate from shores and islands we all know Russia is the largest country in the world with a total size of 17 million square kilometers or 6 million square miles now coming to population the impact of covet 19 has fluctuated the world population in 2020 and due to this you may find an inaccuracy in our data the Russian population in 2020 is estimated to be around 144 million at mid-year that is roughly about 1.87 of the world population the total population of USA is roughly about 331 million as of 2020 which is equivalent to 4.25 of the total world population now coming to natural resources oil remains the lifeblood in military and therefore the most important natural resource in military in 2019.
Russia produced more than 10 million barrels per day whereas USA produced more than 9.3 million barrels per day the total oil consumption of Russia is less than the total oil produced on the other hand USA consumes more oil than it produces this is one of the reasons why the united states depend oil from other countries especially the middle east in 2019 the proven reserved oil for Russia has been found to be more than the USA with more than twice the total volume next we have military expenditures military expenditure in Russia is expected to reach 7 billion us dollars by the start of 2021 according to trading economics global macro models and analysts expectations currently Russia's military budget is about 66 billion us dollars for fiscal year 2020.
The department of defense budget authority is approximately 721.5 billion U.S dollars the standard measure of the value added created through the production of goods and services in Russia this year is about 4.3 percent and USA is about 3.1 next we come to manpower the military age of manpower in Russia is between 18 to 27. available manpower is about 68 million and out of these 46 million are fit for service the total military personnel of Russia is over 3 million with 900 000 active personnel and 2 million are reserved the available manpower in the USA is about 144 million and out of these 119 million are fit for service the total military personnel of USA is estimated to be about 2.26 million with 1.4 million active and 860 000 reserved now we've come to important aspects in military air forces.
USA has the greatest number of military aircraft in the world and also the number one country with most powerful fighter jets compared to Russia USA has more than three times total aircraft according to latest reports total number of fighter jets for USA is more than 2 000 while Russia of only 873 total dedicated attack aircraft is almost the same between the two countries total fixed during transport aircraft of Russia is about 424 and for USA 945. the total trainer aircraft of USA is up to 2643 as of 2020 while Russia of only 497 special mission aircraft of Russia and USA are 127 and 742 respectively helicopter strength of Russia is 15 and USA is 5768.
lastly attack helicopter strength of Russia and USA are 531 and 967 respectively another second important aspect in military is the land force according to latest updates Russia has about 12 950 tanks and USA has about 6289 tanks in total armored vehicles of USA is about 39 000 and Russia of only 27 000. total self-propelled artillery of Russia is almost four times to that of the U.S and Russia has increased up to 400 towed artillery and 3 800 rocket projectors.
USA has about 2 740 towed artillery and 1366 rocket projectors and lastly we will look into the naval forces the total naval asset or fleet strength of Russia is more than the USA currently Russia's only aircraft carrier has undergone refit and will be ready in the coming years USA has the most aircraft carriers in the world with 10 Nimitz class two general r4 class and different landing helicopter docks the total number of destroyers for Russia is 16 and USA is 91.
America does not use frigates anymore because they were deemed less practical than very large destroyers corvette strength for Russia is quite high when compared to USA the total submarine strength between the two is competitive coastal patrol boats for Russia is 41 and 13 for USA and lastly mine warfare craft strength for Russia is 48 and only 11 for USA lastly we have nuclear weapons USA the first country to develop and to use nuclear warheads in the world everything started from the Manhattan project a research that had one particular goal in focus to develop and produce the first nuclear weapon Americans were the first to wield a such powerful weapon everything started in 1941 which is the date of the beginning of Manhattan project since the end of the second world war united states became the leading country when it came to possessing nuclear warheads and it lasted approximately to 1980s we should also bear in mind that united states is the only nation that ever used nuclear weapon in military conflict in 1960 the number of warheads stored by Americans exceeded 30 thousand however throughout the entire period of the so-called cold war.
USA managed to build approximately 70 000 nuclear warheads which is more than all other countries with access to nuclear weapons combined from the first tests that happened in 1945 to this day the USA conducted 1054 tests of atomic bombs still as a result of introduced restrictions on the number of warheads one state can possess the current number has dropped to 6 500 warheads a noteworthy fact is also that out of this number united states deployed only 1 600. Russia the second most important state when it comes to researching developing and then storing nuclear weapon although the Russians managed to catch up with the Americans later on it was only in 1949 that the first nuclear test conducted by the then soviet union occurred it was still quite a surprise for the western powers who believed that Russia wouldn't be capable of producing nuclear warheads until 1953-1954 after the first test the nation in question started to rapidly increase the number of warheads they possessed in the end of 1980s they were the leading power when it came to a total number of warheads stored it was approximately 40 000 warheads nowadays similarly to united states the Russians store a total of 6490 warheads which is constantly more than America when it comes to the total number of deployed warheads the amount is the same as in case of Americans namely 1 600 deployed warheads we should also keep in mind the fact that Russia conducted over 700 tests which makes them the second most important nation when it comes to developing nuclear weapons however it was the soviet union that managed to create the biggest bomb in the world known as star bomber which had blast yield of 50 megatons of tnt so guys we hope you've enjoyed this.